SEO for Schools by Science & Literacy

We empower schools to grow from foundational stages to achieving recognition and expansion through organic search. Allow us to elevate your school’s visibility and attract more students through strategic SEO!


SEO services built to scale with your school

Keyword Research

With our unique methodologies and technological tools, we dive deep into your education sector to identify optimal keywords, analyze your competitors’ strengths, uncover exploitable gaps, and estimate your total potential in the search landscape. Then, we transform this data into actionable strategies to capture your target audience.

Content Marketing

Our team crafts a comprehensive content strategy tailored for your school, pinpointing opportunities for enhancement and providing precise recommendations to boost your content's efficacy. We then produce and disseminate top-tier content designed to rank, attract traffic, and most crucially, convert prospects into students.

Technical SEO

We identify and rectify any technical issues hindering your website's performance through exhaustive audits and ongoing performance assessments. Our consultancy covers site speed, core web vitals, architecture, internal linking, and global optimization to ensure your educational institution stands out online.

Link Building

Developing a bespoke link-building strategy, we focus on acquiring backlinks from authoritative and relevant sources to bolster your content's authority, improve search rankings, drive increased traffic, and enhance conversion rates.

Educational Market Insights

We benchmark your position against competitors, highlight new opportunities for innovation, and guide you towards dominating the SEO landscape in education.

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Specifics of SEO for Schools

Audience Specificity

SEO for schools targets a narrower audience spectrum, including students, parents, and educators, looking for specific educational information, programs, or institutions. This requires a deep understanding of this audience's search behaviors, preferences, and decision-making processes.

Local SEO Importance

For many schools, especially those targeting students in specific geographic areas, local SEO is crucial. This involves optimizing for local search terms, managing listings in local directories, and ensuring the school appears in local search results and maps.

Conversion Goals

While many businesses focus on immediate sales or leads as their primary SEO conversion goal, schools often have longer-term goals. These might include boosting enrollment or promoting specific programs. The conversion funnel for schools typically involves more informational and nurturing steps.

Content Strategy

Educational institutions often have a wealth of authoritative content that can be optimized, such as research papers, course descriptions, and educational resources. The content strategy must highlight the institution's strengths, programs, and campus life to attract prospective students and faculty.

Reputation Management

SEO for schools is closely tied to online reputation management. Schools must monitor and manage their online presence carefully, as reviews, ratings, and news can significantly impact prospective students' perceptions and decision-making.


Search interest for schools often has strong seasonal patterns, with peaks during application periods and other key academic calendar dates. SEO strategies must account for these fluctuations, timing content and campaigns to match prospective students' search behaviors throughout the year.

Why us?

Educational SEO consulting is our specialty

We uncover the greatest organic growth levers for our clients through an efficient and organized strategic process we’ve perfected over 5 years of being industry-leading educational SEO consultants.

Specialized Expertise

Our agency has a deep understanding of the education sector.

Data-Driven Approach

Our strategies are backed by data and analytics.

Communication and Reporting

We provide regular, detailed reports on your SEO performance.

Comprehensive SEO Services

We offer a wide range of SEO services tailored to schools.

Certified Industry Expertise

We hold certifications from SEO and content marketing programs.

Strategic Content Creation

Our strategies are designed to showcase your school's strengths.

An industry-leading SEO process for schools


Planning & Strategic Roadmap Development

After an initial assessment of your school's website, competitive landscape, and overall educational market, we leverage our expertise in SEO to devise an optimal growth strategy tailored specifically for educational institutions. Our plan includes a detailed roadmap, underpinned by data-driven insights and our advanced AI-powered tools, illustrating how we intend to meet your objectives and enhance your school's online presence.


Kick-Off & Comprehensive Onboarding

With the project underway, we embark on a thorough onboarding process, collecting exhaustive data about your institution through detailed questionnaires, and leveraging tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. We also engage in strategic discussions with your team to gain a deep understanding of your school's ethos, target demographics, and unique selling points, ensuring our strategies resonate with your prospective students.


Strategic Development, Recommendations, and Implementation

Our team delivers a robust SEO strategy, encompassing detailed recommendations across all facets of your school's online marketing efforts. Through in-depth strategy sessions, we educate your team on the significance of each recommendation and the mechanics of its implementation.
Our goal is to ensure seamless integration of these strategies to maximize your school's digital footprint.


Content Creation & Promotion

Execution is key. With a solid strategy in place, our focus shifts to the creation and promotion of content that addresses the specific interests and concerns of your prospective students. Whether we're producing content or guiding your team through the process, our efforts are aimed at engaging content that boosts visibility and attracts more inquiries from potential students.


Performance Monitoring, Reporting, and Iterative Optimization

Monitoring the impact of our strategies is crucial.
We provide detailed monthly reports highlighting key performance indicators relevant to your school's growth objectives.
These insights serve as a foundation for ongoing strategy refinement, ensuring that we remain agile and responsive to the ever-evolving landscape of SEO for schools.

Ready to boost your school's visibility and attract more students?

Schedule your consultation today.