17 Best Online Classroom Management Courses to Create a Positive Learning Environment in 2023

As a teacher, one of the most crucial skills to possess is effective classroom management. The ability to create a positive and well-organized learning environment can significantly impact students’ academic performance and overall behavior. With the advent of technology, teachers now have access to a wide range of resources to enhance their teaching capabilities, and one of the most valuable resources is online classroom management courses.


Online classroom management courses offer educators the opportunity to delve into specialized techniques, research-based practices, and innovative strategies to navigate the diverse challenges that arise within the classroom setting.

With the convenience of self-paced learning and the flexibility to fit into busy teaching schedules, online classroom management courses have become a popular choice for educators worldwide. Whether it’s addressing disruptive behavior, fostering inclusivity, managing technology integration, or promoting student engagement, these courses offer comprehensive insights and practical tools to tackle various classroom scenarios effectively.

Through engaging multimedia content, interactive exercises, and real-world case studies, teachers can gain invaluable insights from experienced educators, researchers, and experts in the field. By honing their classroom management skills, teachers can create an optimal learning environment where students feel motivated, respected, and empowered to thrive academically and personally. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, harnessing the power of online classroom management courses becomes essential for every dedicated educator seeking to make a positive and lasting impact on their students’ lives.

After reading this article, you’ll get to know about:

4 Benefits of Online Classroom Management Courses

Before delving into the best courses available, let’s explore the advantages of opting for an online classroom management course.

Benefits of Online Classroom Management Courses

  1. Flexibility and Convenience: Online classroom management courses offer the flexibility to learn at your own pace and convenience. As a teacher with a busy schedule, you can access course materials and lectures anytime and anywhere, allowing you to balance your professional development with other responsibilities.
  2. Access to Expert Instructors: These online courses are often taught by experienced educators and experts in the field of classroom management. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from the best, gaining insights and practical tips that you can implement in your own classroom.
  3. Interactive Learning Environment: Unlike traditional classroom settings, online courses provide interactive learning experiences. Through virtual classrooms, discussion forums, and live sessions, you can actively engage with instructors and fellow participants, fostering a collaborative and enriching learning environment.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Online classroom management courses are usually more cost-effective than in-person workshops or seminars. You can save on travel expenses and other associated costs while still gaining valuable knowledge and skills.

How to Choose the Best Online Classroom Management Course

How to Choose the Best Online Classroom Management Course

When selecting the most suitable online classroom management course, consider the following factors:

  1. Identifying Your Specific Needs: Reflect on your current strengths and weaknesses in classroom management. Look for a course that addresses your specific challenges and aligns with your teaching style.
  2. Accreditation and Certification: Ensure the course is offered by a reputable institution or organization. Accredited courses often carry more weight in professional development.
  3. Course Duration and Format: Consider the course duration and format to ensure it fits your schedule and preferred learning style.
  4. Reviews and Ratings: Read reviews and ratings from past participants to gauge the course’s effectiveness and relevance.

Top 17 Online Classroom Management Courses

These courses not only cater to new and aspiring teachers seeking foundational knowledge in classroom management but also provide experienced educators with continuous professional development to refine their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest teaching methodologies.

1. Classroom Management Fundamentals

Classroom Management Fundamentals

For Whom: This course is suitable for new and aspiring teachers who want to develop effective classroom management skills. It is also beneficial for experienced educators looking to enhance their teaching capabilities and create a positive learning environment.

Why This Course is Good: Effective classroom management is foundational to successful teaching. This course provides essential knowledge and strategies to create an ideal learning environment where students feel supported and motivated to learn. The self-paced nature of the course allows teachers to fit their learning into their busy schedules, making it convenient for professional development.

Duration: Self-paced

Cost: Free (with the option to purchase a certificate)

This comprehensive course focuses on the fundamental principles of classroom management, guiding new and aspiring teachers to create an ideal learning environment. As a teacher, one of the most crucial skills to possess is effective classroom management. The ability to create a positive and well-organized learning environment can significantly impact students’ academic performance and overall behavior. In this course, you will learn about effective seating arrangements and body language techniques that help you convey information clearly and engage students effectively. Understanding the importance of classroom layout and non-verbal cues is key to fostering a conducive learning environment.

Additionally, the course delves into educational psychology, providing valuable insights into understanding student behaviors and needs. By understanding students’ motivations and individual differences, you can tailor your teaching approach to meet their specific learning requirements. Moreover, the course covers relevant health and safety rules, essential for promoting constructive learning and development for children. Creating a safe and secure environment is essential for students’ emotional well-being and academic success.

2. Positive Discipline Strategies

Positive Discipline Strategies

For Whom: This course is valuable for early childhood educators, teachers, and parents who want to learn effective strategies for managing disruptive behavior and promoting positive discipline in young children. It is particularly beneficial for educators working with young learners who may struggle with self-regulation.

Why This Course is Good: Positive discipline approaches focus on teaching children appropriate behavior and helping them develop self-discipline. This course equips educators with evidence-based strategies that foster a positive and respectful classroom environment. By understanding and implementing positive discipline techniques, educators can establish strong and supportive relationships with their students, leading to a more conducive learning atmosphere.

Duration: 6 weeks

Cost: $373

This course delves into the causes of disruptive behavior in young children and offers effective strategies for eliminating such behavior. As a teacher, one of the most challenging aspects is managing disruptive behavior in the classroom. By adopting positive discipline strategies, you can create a harmonious learning environment and encourage self-discipline and respect among young learners. Understanding the root causes of disruptive behavior is essential for implementing appropriate interventions.

The course is specifically designed for educators and parents seeking to implement positive discipline approaches. It aligns with Title 22 Regulations and Title 5 Child Development Permits, making it a valuable addition to the professional development of early childhood educators. Positive discipline strategies not only help manage behavior but also promote a positive and supportive classroom climate, enhancing students’ social and emotional growth.

Discover effective classroom management strategies for handling noisy classes and transforming them into calm and focused learning environments. This video offers valuable insights into tools and techniques to manage noise disruptions, fostering a conducive atmosphere for learning. Explore practical approaches to address noisy behaviors and create a more engaging and productive classroom experience.

3. Inclusive Classroom Management

Inclusive Classroom Management

For Whom: This course is ideal for educators aspiring to create a positive and supportive environment for all learners. It is particularly valuable for teachers who work with diverse student populations and want to enhance their ability to meet the needs of every individual in the classroom.

Why This Course is Good: Inclusive classroom management is essential for providing equal opportunities and support to all students. This course offers valuable insights into understanding and celebrating diversity in educational settings. By developing inclusive practices, teachers can create a supportive and enriching learning environment that fosters academic and social success for all students.

Duration: 4-6 hours (self-paced)

Cost: £20 GBP

This course equips teachers with the material needed to manage and maintain an inclusive classroom environment catering to learners with diverse needs. As an educator, creating an inclusive learning space is essential for ensuring that all students feel valued and respected. This course provides practical case studies and interactive learning, enabling teachers to gain insights into implementing inclusive practices that support all students’ learning and development.

Understanding diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences empowers you to create a classroom that celebrates differences and promotes equity. The course focuses on building cultural sensitivity, and it provides educators with strategies to promote equitable and inclusive practices. Teachers play a crucial role in fostering an inclusive learning environment, where every student has a sense of belonging and feels encouraged to participate and thrive academically.

4. Integrating Technology in the Classroom

Integrating Technology in the Classroom

For Whom: This course is valuable for all educators who want to enhance their technology integration skills and effectively use digital tools to engage students. It is particularly beneficial for teachers working in modern classrooms where technology is an integral part of the learning process.

Why This Course is Good: Technology is transforming education, and teachers need to be well-equipped to utilize digital resources effectively. This course offers practical ways to leverage technology to engage students and enhance learning outcomes. By embracing technology in the classroom, educators can create a more interactive and dynamic learning environment, preparing students for the digital world they will enter in their future careers.

Duration: 6 weeks (12 hours)

Cost: $185

Embrace technology in your classroom with this course, which provides practical ways to integrate technology across the curriculum. As technology becomes increasingly prevalent in education, teachers need to adapt their teaching methods to effectively engage students. This course equips you with strategies to leverage digital tools to cater to auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners effectively.

Integrating technology in the classroom can enhance the learning experience and improve students’ understanding of complex concepts. Understanding how to align digital tools with Common Core standards ensures that technology integration enhances rather than detracts from the learning process. Through interactive content and engaging discussions, you will explore the potential of technology to enrich your teaching methods and create a dynamic and interactive learning environment.

5. Building Strong Classroom Communities

Building Strong Classroom Communities

For Whom: This course is suitable for all K-12 educators looking to enhance classroom dynamics and student engagement. It is particularly valuable for teachers who want to establish a positive and nurturing classroom environment where students feel empowered and motivated to learn.

Why This Course is Good: Building a strong classroom community is a cornerstone of effective teaching. This course offers evidence-based strategies to foster positive relationships and create a sense of belonging among students. By developing a strong classroom community, educators can create a safe and supportive learning environment where students feel valued and motivated to reach their full potential.

Duration: self-paced

Cost: $489

This course emphasizes the significance of creating a strong classroom community to foster growth and well-being. As a teacher, building a strong classroom community is essential for promoting positive student-teacher relationships and creating a supportive learning environment. In this course, teachers and students collaborate to establish a social contract that sets expectations and promotes a sense of responsibility and ownership in the learning process.

Through research-based practices and practical activities, you will explore the positive impact of a strong classroom community on academic, social, and emotional growth. A supportive classroom community not only enhances student engagement but also promotes a sense of belonging and connectedness among students, leading to increased motivation and academic success.

6. Culturally Responsive Classroom Management

Culturally Responsive Classroom Management

For Whom: This course is ideal for teachers seeking to create a positive and supportive learning space for diverse student populations. It is particularly valuable for educators working in multicultural and diverse educational settings.

Why This Course is Good: Culturally responsive classroom management is a critical aspect of effective teaching in diverse classrooms. This course offers valuable insights into understanding and celebrating diversity in educational settings. By building cultural competence, educators can create an inclusive and affirming learning environment, ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Duration: 3 credits (varies based on institution)

Cost: Varies based on credit system

Foster a culturally responsive and inclusive classroom environment with this course. As an educator, understanding diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences is essential for creating a classroom where all students feel valued and respected. This course provides insights into cultural sensitivity and equips educators with strategies to promote equitable and inclusive practices.

Culturally responsive classroom management recognizes and celebrates students’ unique identities and backgrounds, promoting a positive and supportive learning space. By fostering cultural competence, teachers can create an inclusive learning environment that enhances students’ academic and social development.

7. Managing Large Class Sizes

Managing Large Class Sizes

For Whom: This course is beneficial for teachers dealing with overcrowded classrooms, where managing a large number of students can present unique challenges. It is particularly relevant for educators working in schools with high student-to-teacher ratios, seeking practical solutions to ensure effective classroom management.

Why This Course is Good: Large class sizes can pose significant challenges for educators, making this course invaluable in equipping teachers with strategies to engage all students and maintain a positive learning environment. The interactive content and e-learning packages offer hands-on experiences and real-world applications, ensuring that teachers can implement the learned techniques effectively. As a self-paced course, it accommodates educators’ busy schedules, allowing them to dedicate time and attention to mastering classroom management skills in larger class settings.

Duration: Self-paced

Cost: Course fees vary based on institution and location

This self-paced course is specifically designed to help teachers manage and facilitate learning in larger class settings, typically consisting of 30 to 60 learners. Participants can acquire practical strategies and skills to engage all students effectively, ensuring a dynamic and inclusive learning environment even in crowded classrooms. The course equips teachers with tools to ensure individual attention and maintain order, fostering a conducive atmosphere for learning. By providing insights into managing large class sizes, educators can overcome challenges related to overcrowding and deliver quality education to every student.

8. Managing Special Education Classrooms

Managing Special Education Classrooms

For Whom: This course is ideal for special education teachers and educators working in inclusive classrooms, seeking to enhance their ability to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. It is also valuable for educators who wish to build a more inclusive classroom environment, where all learners feel valued and included.

Why This Course is Good: Special education classrooms require a deep understanding of diverse learning needs and effective teaching strategies. This course offers a wealth of experiences and knowledge from experts in the field, providing educators with evidence-based practices to promote student success. The 4-week duration with 3-4 hours of commitment per week allows participants to immerse themselves in the subject matter while maintaining a manageable workload.

Duration: 4 weeks (3-4 hours per week)

Cost: Free (with the option to purchase a certificate)

This comprehensive course delves deep into supporting students with severe physical and intellectual disabilities, providing inclusive education experts and teachers’ valuable insights. Participants gain specialized techniques to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment for students with diverse needs. The course emphasizes the importance of tailoring educational practices to meet individual requirements, ensuring that every student receives the attention and support they need to thrive academically and personally.

9. Conflict Resolution for Teachers

Conflict Resolution for Teachers

For Whom: This course is perfect for teachers seeking to improve their conflict resolution skills and create a supportive learning environment. It is particularly useful for educators dealing with conflicts among students, such as peer disputes, or conflicts between students and teachers, seeking to address disciplinary issues with compassion and fairness.

Why This Course is Good: Conflict resolution is an essential skill for educators, as it promotes a conducive learning environment where students feel safe and respected. The short video and text lessons provide concise and actionable insights, making the learning experience efficient and effective. Whether dealing with minor disagreements or more significant issues, teachers can implement the learned strategies to address conflicts proactively and maintain a positive classroom climate.

Duration: Self-paced

Cost: Membership or individual course purchase options available

This informative course equips teachers with effective conflict resolution strategies to address disputes in the classroom and promote a harmonious learning environment. Through concise and engaging video and text lessons, educators review and master concepts at their convenience, developing practical skills to resolve conflicts among students or between students and teachers. The course empowers teachers with the tools to create a positive and productive classroom atmosphere, where open communication and understanding thrive.

10. Time Management for Teachers

Time Management for Teachers

For Whom: This course is valuable for all educators seeking to enhance their time management skills, allowing them to manage classroom responsibilities effectively while maintaining personal well-being. It is particularly beneficial for teachers juggling multiple tasks, seeking to improve efficiency and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Why This Course is Good: Time management is critical for educators to meet the demands of teaching effectively. This course offers tailored techniques designed specifically for teachers, ensuring practical and relevant applications in the classroom setting. Participants learn valuable strategies to streamline their daily activities, plan engaging lessons, and allocate time efficiently. By optimizing time management, teachers can focus on their students’ needs and well-being while nurturing a more fulfilling and sustainable teaching career.

Duration: Self-paced

Cost: $99

This course focuses on improving time management skills for teachers, providing practical techniques tailored specifically to educators. Teachers gain valuable insights into optimizing lesson planning, classroom activities, and work-life balance. The self-paced nature of the course allows educators to complete it at their convenience, making it ideal for teachers seeking to maximize productivity and reduce stress while maintaining their commitment to teaching excellence.

11. Emotional Intelligence in Classroom Management

Emotional Intelligence in Classroom Management

For Whom: This course is valuable for all educators who want to improve their emotional intelligence and its application in the classroom. It is particularly beneficial for teachers looking to strengthen their communication skills, develop empathy, and create a positive and supportive classroom atmosphere.

Why This Course is Good: Emotional intelligence is crucial for teachers to effectively manage classroom dynamics and support students’ emotional development. This course equips educators with practical exercises and strategies to enhance their emotional intelligence, ensuring a more empathetic and understanding approach to classroom management. By fostering emotional well-being in both themselves and their students, teachers can promote a more positive and productive learning environment.

Duration: Varies based on institution

Cost: $35

This course emphasizes the critical role of emotional intelligence in behavior management to create an effective classroom climate. Educators learn practical exercises and techniques to manage their own stress and anxiety symptoms while enhancing the emotional well-being of their students. By developing their emotional intelligence, teachers can build strong and supportive relationships with students, fostering a positive and nurturing learning environment. The course is ideal for educators seeking to deepen their understanding of emotional intelligence and its impact on classroom dynamics.

12. Classroom Management for Online Teaching

Classroom Management for Online Teaching

For Whom: This course is beneficial for educators who are new to online teaching or looking to enhance their virtual classroom management skills. It is particularly relevant for teachers seeking to engage students effectively in online learning environments and maintain a supportive learning atmosphere.

Why This Course is Good: Online teaching requires different classroom management techniques compared to traditional face-to-face settings. This course provides teachers with insights into managing virtual classrooms, including strategies to maintain student engagement, establish clear communication, and foster digital citizenship. By developing their skills in managing the online learning environment, educators can create a seamless and engaging learning experience for their students.

Duration: 17 hours

Cost: Free (but with the option to purchase a certificate $29)

Discover effective techniques to manage virtual classrooms, engage students, and promote digital citizenship. This course is tailored for teachers transitioning to or interested in online teaching, equipping them with the skills required to adapt their classroom management approach to virtual environments. Educators will learn how to create a positive and interactive online learning experience for their students, making the virtual classroom environment conducive to learning.

In this video, essential virtual classroom management tips are shared to aid educators in preparing for the upcoming online back-to-school period. As virtual settings present unique challenges in terms of classroom procedures, expectations, and community building, the tips provided aim to facilitate a strong start to the academic year. Explore valuable insights and strategies to effectively manage virtual classrooms and foster a positive and engaging learning environment for students.

13. Restorative Justice in Education

Restorative Justice in Education

For Whom: This program is designed for educators and professionals working in educational settings who are interested in implementing restorative justice practices. It is particularly valuable for teachers, administrators, and counselors seeking to create a more supportive and inclusive school environment.

Why This Course is Good: Restorative justice practices offer an alternative and proactive approach to addressing conflicts and disciplinary issues in educational settings. This program equips educators with the knowledge and skills to promote healing and reconciliation, building stronger connections between students, teachers, and the school community. By embracing restorative justice principles, educators can foster a more positive and empowering learning environment for all.

Duration: Varies based on program choice

Cost: Varies based on program and format

This program offers master’s degree and graduate certificate options, fully online or in a hybrid format, tailored for K-12 teachers, administrators, community leaders, and school counselors. Through this program, educators can gain expertise in restorative justice practices that foster accountability, repair harm, and build relationships within school environments. The program is designed to address disciplinary practices and promote a safe and inclusive learning environment.

14. Managing Student Apathy

Managing Student Apathy

For Whom: This course is beneficial for teachers dealing with disengaged or apathetic students, seeking practical strategies to re-engage and motivate them. It is particularly valuable for educators looking to create a more dynamic and engaging classroom environment.

Why This Course is Good: Student apathy can hinder the learning process and impact overall classroom dynamics. This course equips educators with effective strategies to address disengagement and spark motivation in students. By identifying the root causes of apathy and implementing targeted approaches, teachers can reinvigorate their classrooms and create a more enthusiastic and participative learning atmosphere.

Duration: Self-paced (15 contact hours)

Cost: $45-65

This online self-paced course delves into the causes of student apathy and provides strategies to increase engagement, both in virtual and face-to-face settings. Teachers can identify effective methods to re-engage students and create dynamic learning environments. The course is suitable for educators seeking to address disengaged or unmotivated students, fostering a positive and enthusiastic classroom atmosphere.

15. Teacher Self-Care and Stress Management

Teacher Self-Care and Stress Management

For Whom: This course is beneficial for all educators seeking to prioritize their well-being and manage stress effectively. It is particularly valuable for teachers who want to maintain a healthy work-life balance and promote well-being in their students.

Why This Course is Good: Teaching can be demanding, and self-care is essential for teachers to sustain their passion and dedication to education. This course offers practical techniques for managing stress and maintaining a positive outlook, helping educators stay energized and focused in their teaching practice. By nurturing their well-being, teachers can create a more supportive and nurturing learning environment for their students.

Duration: 4 weeks

Cost: Free (with the option to purchase a certificate)

Prioritize self-care and manage stress with practical techniques tailored to the education profession. This four-week course introduces mindfulness techniques and practices within the context of educational settings, helping educators manage stress and anxiety symptoms. The course also provides tips to enhance students’ well-being, making it ideal for teachers seeking to create a supportive and positive learning environment.

16. Trauma-Informed Classroom Management

Trauma-Informed Classroom Management

For Whom: This course is valuable for all educators seeking to support students who have experienced trauma or adverse experiences. It is particularly beneficial for teachers working with vulnerable populations and seeking to create a more compassionate and understanding learning environment.

Why This Course is Good: Trauma-informed approaches provide educators with valuable insights into understanding and supporting students who have experienced trauma. This course equips teachers with effective strategies to create a safe and nurturing classroom environment that fosters healing and growth. By adopting trauma-informed practices, educators can promote resilience and well-being in their students, laying the foundation for academic and personal success.

Duration: Varies based on course

Cost: $9.99

This course addresses the prevalence of trauma in schools and equips educators with strategies to support students who have experienced trauma effectively. Through expert insights and practical approaches, teachers learn how to create a safe and supportive learning environment for vulnerable students. The course emphasizes trauma-informed approaches that promote student well-being and emotional recovery.

17. Behavior Intervention Strategies

Behavior Intervention Strategies

For Whom: This course is valuable for all educators seeking to implement effective behavior intervention strategies in the classroom. It is particularly beneficial for teachers dealing with challenging student behaviors and seeking practical solutions to maintain a productive learning atmosphere.

Why This Course is Good: Behavior intervention strategies are essential tools for teachers to manage disruptive behavior and maintain a positive learning environment. This course offers valuable insights into community psychology and its application in educational settings. By adopting evidence-based intervention techniques, educators can create a more focused and respectful.

Duration: 1.5-3 Hours

Cost: Free

Dive into community psychology and intervention strategies to address social problems and improve community well-being. This free online course offers insights into effective intervention techniques to address disruptive behavior, minimize distractions, and maintain a focused classroom. Through this course, teachers gain practical knowledge to create a positive and conducive learning environment.

14 Free Online Classroom Management Courses

This is a compilation of free online Classroom Management Courses, aimed at providing valuable resources to enhance teaching skills and create positive learning environments for students.

14 Free Online Classroom Management Courses

These courses can be accessed through the link: https://alison.com/tag/classroom-management. Whether you are a new teacher seeking effective classroom management techniques or an experienced educator looking to refine strategies, these courses offer valuable insights and practical tips. Utilize this opportunity to further professional development and foster successful and engaging classroom experiences.

  1. Diploma in Educational Psychology
  2. Working with Students with Special Educational Needs
  3. Advanced Diploma in Training of Trainers
  4. Diploma in Teaching Skills for Education
  5. Teaching: How to Promote Positive Behavior in Children and Youth
  6. Effective Communication Techniques for Teachers and Trainers
  7. Motivating Students to Learn
  8. Instructional Planning for Successful Teaching
  9. An Introduction to New Thinking for Your Classroom
  10. Growth Mindsets for Teachers and Learners
  11. How to Plan, Deliver and Assess a Learning Program
  12. Guide to Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL)
  13. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
  14. Understanding Inclusive Teaching and Learning Approaches

Additional Resources


Investing in online classroom management courses can be a transformative experience for teachers. The flexibility, expert guidance, and interactive learning environment make these courses invaluable resources for enhancing teaching practices and fostering a positive educational atmosphere. Embrace continuous professional development and take advantage of these top 17 online classroom management courses to become an even more effective educator.

Simona Johnes

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