30+ Best Educational Podcasts for Kids to Inspire, Inform, and Entertain

In today’s fast-paced digital age, where screens and devices often take center stage in our lives, there’s a remarkable and often overlooked resource that’s quietly transforming how children engage with the world: podcasts. What was once primarily the domain of adult listeners has now become a powerful educational and entertainment tool tailored specifically for kids. As we witness over 50% of Americans embracing this auditory medium, it’s clear that podcasts are more than just a passing trend — they are the gateway to a world of knowledge and captivating experiences for children.

30+ Best Educational Podcasts for Kids

Educational podcasts have been making waves, and for all the right reasons. These podcasts deliver educational content to young minds through the power of audio. The benefits are truly impressive, including improved listening skills, enhanced concentration, and the development of critical thinking abilities in our budding learners. Moreover, these podcasts span a wide spectrum of subjects, from science and history to language and music, making the learning journey both engaging and enjoyable.

What sets educational podcasting apart is its unparalleled accessibility. With podcasts, kids can embark on a learning adventure at any time and from any place, provided they have a device and an internet connection. This accessibility lends itself to flexibility, allowing children to incorporate learning seamlessly into their daily routines. It also exposes them to a diverse array of perspectives and voices, expanding their horizons and sparking their curiosity.

But we won’t simply extol the virtues of educational podcasts in theory. Our aim is to take you on a captivating journey through the realm of “Podcasts for Kids.” Together, we’ll explore a rich tapestry of podcasts that are thoughtfully designed to educate, engage, and entertain the young and inquisitive.

What you’ll find on this page:

Before we dive into this audible wonderland, it’s important to understand that educational podcasts for kids are not merely a modern addition to their learning toolkit. They offer a host of advantages, and let’s delve into them:

4 Benefits of Educational Podcasts

Educational podcasts offer a flexible and accessible learning platform, allowing students to absorb knowledge on a wide range of topics at their own pace.

Benefits of Educational Podcasts
They provide a valuable complement to traditional educational resources, fostering independent learning and enhancing retention of information through engaging auditory experiences

Here are the 4 benefits of educational podcasts:

  1. Accessibility: Podcasts are readily accessible, allowing kids to listen at any time and from any place with an internet connection. This accessibility is a lifeline for students with limited access to traditional learning resources or busy schedules.
  2. Engaging: Educational podcasts are masterfully crafted to capture a child’s attention and maintain their interest. They often incorporate storytelling, music, and sound effects, transforming learning into an entertaining adventure.
  3. Flexibility: Podcasts offer unmatched flexibility, enabling kids to listen during commutes, chores, or even bedtime. This adaptability empowers students to learn at their own pace and on their schedule.
  4. Variety: Podcasts cover a vast array of subjects, providing diverse perspectives and a fresh approach to learning. This variety fuels intellectual curiosity and fosters a love for knowledge.

With this understanding of the advantages of educational podcasting, let’s embark on a journey to discover the top 30+ captivating podcasts for kids. Our selection spans various genres, ensuring there’s something to delight every young listener. From educational content to entertaining stories and engaging discussions, we’re about to embark on a voyage through the diverse world of podcasts that captivate, inspire, and educate.

Join us as we explore this captivating realm where learning, entertainment, and creativity converge, offering young minds a world of enrichment — one episode at a time.

30+ Best Education Podcasts for Kids

1. But Why: A Podcast For Curious Kids

This popular podcast educates and entertains kids by answering their questions, such as why bison run fast but walk slowly, how boats float, and much more.

But Why

What it Teaches: In addition to curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving, this podcast fosters a love for exploration and a deep appreciation for the world’s wonders. It encourages kids to ask questions and seek answers, nurturing their inquisitive nature.

For Whom: Ideal for kids aged 5 and up.

For What It Can Be Used: It serves as an invaluable resource for parents and educators looking to stimulate a child’s thirst for knowledge. It can be used as a tool to reinforce the importance of asking questions and exploring the world around them.

Best for: This podcast is perfect for nurturing the intellectual growth of inquisitive young minds, helping them become lifelong learners.

2. Wow in the World

Hosts Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz share stories about the latest news in science, technology, and innovation, delivering hope, agency, and plenty of “WOW” moments.

Wow in the World

What it Teaches: Beyond science, technology, and creativity, Wow in the World also imparts a sense of wonder and enthusiasm for the world’s latest discoveries. It encourages kids to view the world with a sense of amazement and excitement.

For Whom: Suitable for elementary school kids.

For What It Can Be Used: It is an excellent resource for inspiring scientific curiosity and sparking a lifelong passion for exploring the mysteries of the universe.

Best for: Wow in the World is best suited for families and children who want to experience the joy of scientific discovery and innovation.

3. Story Seeds

Kids collaborate with famous authors to grow story ideas, and then the author writes an original story for the show.

Story Seeds

What it Teaches: While Story Seeds primarily teaches storytelling, creativity, and collaboration, it also nurtures the idea that anyone can be an author and that creativity knows no bounds. It instills confidence in young writers.

For Whom: Kids interested in storytelling and creative writing.

For What It Can Be Used: This podcast can be used to motivate and inspire young writers, encouraging them to develop their own stories and unique voices.

Best for: Aspiring authors and young storytellers looking to unlock their imaginative potential.

4. Story Pirates

This show encourages kids to submit their story ideas, which are then transformed into songs and sketch comedy.

Story Pirates

What it Teaches: Story Pirates excels in cultivating creative thinking and humor, and it emphasizes the beauty of collaboration by turning children’s ideas into entertaining content.

For Whom: Kids with vivid imaginations.

For What It Can Be Used: It is a fantastic resource for nurturing creativity and teamwork, providing an avenue for kids to see their ideas come to life in a playful and engaging way.

Best for: Young creatives with vivid imaginations, and those who enjoy collaborative storytelling.

5. Circle Round

This podcast adapts folktales from around the world into music-rich radio plays for kids, exploring themes like friendship, persistence, and generosity.

Circle Round

What it Teaches: Circle Round not only promotes cultural appreciation, storytelling, and empathy but also teaches the values of friendship, persistence, and generosity through folktales from around the world.

For Whom: Perfect for family listening.

For What It Can Be Used: It is an excellent tool for parents and caregivers to foster a love for global stories and instill important values in their children.

Best for: Families seeking to connect with diverse cultures and cultivate empathy and moral understanding in their children.

6. Ear Snacks

Hosted by award-winning music makers Andrew and Polly, this educational podcast for kids explores topics related to art, technology, music, science, and culture.


What it Teaches: Ear Snacks introduces kids to a wide array of interests, including art, science, music, and culture. It encourages them to explore their curiosity across various subjects.

For Whom: Suitable for curious kids of all ages.

For What It Can Be Used: It is the perfect platform for young minds eager to broaden their horizons and delve into a multitude of topics, potentially sparking new passions.

Best for: Children and families interested in exploring diverse interests and developing a well-rounded understanding of the world.

7. Five Minutes with Dad

This family podcast features two kids, Pavlos and Angela, sharing meaningful conversations with their father, Nick Pavlidis, aiming to foster personal growth and leadership in young children.


What it Teaches: Beyond life lessons, problem-solving, and personal growth, this podcast emphasizes the significance of familial bonding and learning. It shows how parents can actively engage in their child’s development.

For Whom: Great for family listening and reflection.

For What It Can Be Used: It is a valuable resource for families seeking to strengthen their relationships, nurture character development in children, and create lasting memories together.

Best for: Families looking to learn, bond, and grow together while instilling valuable life skills in their children.

8. The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian

A serialized science fiction podcast for kids, revolving around Finn Caspian, an 8-year-old boy on a space station, caught in the world of science and mystery.

The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian

What it Teaches: In addition to science, mystery, and storytelling, this podcast encourages kids to explore their imaginations and embark on thrilling adventures in the realm of science fiction.

For Whom: Ideal for young adventurers.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s an excellent choice for engaging children in imaginative storytelling, helping them develop a love for science fiction and exploration.

Best for: Young science fiction enthusiasts eager to dive into captivating, otherworldly narratives.

9. Grammar Girl

Grammar Girl features Mignon Fogarty, a grammar expert who guides students through intricate grammar rules, punctuation, verbs, and models.

Grammar Girl

What it Teaches: Grammar Girl is not only about enhancing grammar and writing skills but also about promoting effective communication and language mastery.

For Whom: Suitable for students looking to enhance their language skills.

For What It Can Be Used: It serves as a valuable tool for students and language enthusiasts looking to improve their language skills and become better communicators.

Best for: Language enthusiasts and aspiring writers who want to excel in grammar and writing.

10. Saturday Morning, Cereal Bowl

This musical podcast offers a collection of the grooviest new and old children’s songs, creating a lively start to your kid’s Saturday morning.

Saturday Morning,

What it Teaches: In addition to music appreciation and fun, this musical podcast celebrates the joy of family bonding through shared moments of dancing and singing.

For Whom: Suitable for all ages, including parents.

For What It Can Be Used: It is a perfect choice for families who want to infuse their Saturday mornings with lively, energetic routines and create lasting memories.

Best for: Families who enjoy the combined pleasures of music, dancing, and quality time together.

11. Earth Rangers

For kids curious about animals, Earth Rangers is an ideal source of knowledge. It delves into topics ranging from mythological creatures to fascinating facts about wild animals.

Earth Rangers

What it Teaches: While Earth Rangers primarily educates about wildlife, conservation, and animal facts, it also nurtures a deep love for the natural world and a sense of responsibility towards it.

For Whom: Perfect for young animal enthusiasts.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s a fantastic resource for inspiring a lifelong love for wildlife, instilling conservation values, and motivating young listeners to protect the environment.

Best for: Budding animal lovers passionate about wildlife conservation.

12. Short & Curly

Hosted by Carl Smith, Molly Daniels, and Dr. Matt Beard, Short & Curly is a kids’ podcast that poses challenging ethical questions, encouraging critical thinking.

Short & Curly

What it Teaches: In addition to ethics, critical thinking, and problem-solving, Short & Curly encourages thoughtful discussions and promotes open dialogue on complex ethical dilemmas.

For Whom: Ideal for kids and their parents.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s an ideal resource for families who want to engage in meaningful conversations about moral issues and guide their children in making ethical decisions.

Best for: Families interested in ethical dilemmas, promoting critical thinking, and fostering empathy.

13. Smithsonian Podcasts

The Smithsonian offers a wide range of podcasts, covering topics from art and history to humanities and space. Options include Airspace, American History Explorer, Slidedoor, Hirshhorn Podcast, Asian Art Podcasts, and more.

Smithsonian Podcasts

What it Teaches: In addition to diverse topics from art to history, Smithsonian Podcasts provide an in-depth exploration of culture, science, and history through a multitude of lenses.

For Whom: Suitable for all ages, depending on the podcast.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s perfect for families interested in delving deep into various subjects, fostering a love for culture and history, and promoting lifelong learning.

Best for: Families seeking rich, diverse insights into the world’s cultural, scientific, and historical tapestry.

14. Calm Kids Podcast

Hosted by sisters Lucie and Charlotte, this podcast offers bedtime stories that incorporate positive reinforcement and mindfulness practices.

Calm Kids

What it Teaches: Beyond relaxation and mindfulness, this podcast imparts valuable techniques for personal growth, emotional well-being, and cultivating a sense of peace.

For Whom: Ideal for bedtime routines.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s an excellent tool for parents and caregivers looking to create a tranquil bedtime routine, instill mindfulness in their children, and promote personal growth.

Best for: Families seeking a peaceful and positive bedtime experience that encourages emotional well-being.

15. Smash Boom Best

Smash Boom Best is a debate show for kids and families, where two cool things are pitted against each other, and you decide which is best.

Smash Boom Best

What it Teaches: In addition to critical thinking, debate, and decision-making, Smash Boom Best encourages listeners to express their opinions, engage in friendly debates, and explore multiple perspectives.

For Whom: Suitable for kids and their parents.

For What It Can Be Used: It is an ideal platform for families to foster discussion, hone decision-making skills, and promote open-mindedness and respectful debate.

Best for: Families who enjoy constructive, lively debates and aim to nurture critical thinking.

16. Little Stories for Tiny People

Little Stories for Tiny People offers original audio stories filled with whimsy and wonder for young listeners and their families.

Little Stories for Tiny People

What it Teaches: Beyond imagination, storytelling, and creativity, this podcast transports young listeners to whimsical worlds where their own imagination can flourish.

For Whom: Ideal for preschool and early elementary kids.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s perfect for parents and caregivers seeking to provide imaginative and creative stories for their children, nurturing storytelling skills and sparking creativity.

Best for: Families who appreciate imaginative stories and want to inspire creativity in their little ones.

17. The Big Fib

In an era of fake news, The Big Fib is a game show that helps kids determine what’s true and what’s false. It features insightful questions, evidence weighing, and trust in one’s judgment.

The Big Fib

What it Teaches: The Big Fib goes beyond critical thinking, fact-checking, and decision-making to encourage listeners to question the validity of information, think critically, and exercise discernment.

For Whom: Suitable for inquisitive kids.

For What It Can Be Used: It is an entertaining and educational resource for families who enjoy game shows and want to promote critical thinking, fact-checking, and information evaluation.

Best for: Families who enjoy entertaining and educational game shows that emphasize the importance of discerning truth from falsehood.

18. Noodle Loaf

Noodle Loaf is an interactive podcast for the whole family. Hosted by Dan Saks, it offers creative fun for about 10 minutes at a time.

Noodle Loaf

What it Teaches: Beyond creativity, music, and collaboration, Noodle Loaf engages the entire family in interactive, musical learning, promoting a sense of unity and shared enjoyment.

For Whom: Suitable for kids aged 3-9.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s an ideal choice for families looking to engage in creative, musical activities that foster collaboration and shared enjoyment.

Best for: Families who appreciate musical and interactive learning experiences that bring them closer together.

19. Animal Sound Safari

Animal Sound Safari is a kids’ podcast that introduces listeners to the world’s weirdest and most amazing animal sounds.

Animal Sound Safari

What it Teaches: In addition to wildlife, nature, and animal sounds, this podcast offers an in-depth exploration of the world’s most fascinating creatures, nurturing a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world.

For Whom: Ideal for young animal enthusiasts.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s a wonderful resource for families who want to learn about and appreciate the diversity of wildlife and animal sounds around the globe.

Best for: Budding wildlife enthusiasts eager to explore the natural world and its remarkable inhabitants.

20. Tumble

Tumble tells stories about science discoveries with the help of actual scientists, exploring topics like why cats always seem to land on their feet and what a journey to the center of the Earth would look like.


What it Teaches: Beyond science, exploration, and discovery, Tumble encourages young listeners to adopt a scientific mindset, ask questions, and explore the mysteries of the world around them.

For Whom: Ideal for young scientists.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s an excellent tool for sparking scientific curiosity, inspiring future scientists, and instilling a love for inquiry and exploration.

Best for: Families who love science and want to nurture young scientists and explorers.

21. The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd

This podcast follows the ongoing battle between Dr. Floyd and the evil mastermind Dr. Steve. During their escapades, Dr. Floyd learns about history.

The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd

What it Teaches: In addition to history, adventure, and storytelling, this podcast offers an engaging and entertaining way to learn about historical events and characters.

For Whom: Suitable for young history enthusiasts.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s ideal for families who want to make history lessons enjoyable and memorable while fostering a love for the past.

Best for: Young history buffs who enjoy exciting historical narratives.

22. Storynory

Description: Storynory is an online treasure trove of free audio stories. It offers a mixture of original stories, fairy tales, and specially adapted myths and histories.


What it Teaches: Beyond literature, storytelling, and classic tales, Storynory introduces young listeners to the richness of classic literature and timeless stories from various cultures.

For Whom: Suitable for children of all ages.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s perfect for families who appreciate classic and imaginative stories and want to introduce their children to the world of literature and storytelling.

Best for: Families who love to explore the beauty of classic and timeless tales.

23. The Rez

The Rez focuses on kindness activities for kids and the importance of sticking to values in a tech-savvy world. The narration revolves around two friends and their adventures against the wicked AI.

The Rez

What it Teaches: In addition to ethics, kindness, and personal values, The Rez helps children navigate the ethical dilemmas presented by technology and fosters a sense of empathy.

For Whom: Suitable for kids and families.

For What It Can Be Used: It serves as a valuable resource for families seeking to discuss the ethical implications of technology, instill kindness and empathy in their children, and encourage discussions about personal values.

Best for: Families interested in exploring the intersection of ethics and technology and nurturing personal values in their children.

24. Be Calm on Ahway Island

Be Calm on Ahway Island offers a perfect bedtime podcast, with soothing voices and soft music to calm children.

Be Calm on Ahway Island

What it Teaches: Beyond relaxation, mindfulness, and bedtime routines, this podcast offers a soothing and peaceful experience that promotes emotional well-being and positive bedtime habits.

For Whom: Ideal for winding down before sleep.

For What It Can Be Used: It is the perfect choice for families seeking a tranquil bedtime routine that calms children before sleep and fosters a sense of inner peace.

Best for: Families seeking a peaceful, restful bedtime experience that encourages emotional well-being.

25. Sesame Street

Featuring Muppets from Sesame Street, this podcast conveys lessons on friendships, patience, and sharing through dance and music.

Sesame Street

What it Teaches: In addition to life lessons, character development, and music, Sesame Street conveys valuable lessons about friendship, patience, and sharing through the power of dance, music, and beloved Muppet characters.

For Whom: Suitable for children aged 3-8.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s an ideal choice for families who want to entertain and educate their children while instilling essential life values and promoting character development.

Best for: Families who have a special place in their hearts for the timeless, educational magic of Sesame Street.

26. Greeking Out

Greeking Out, a National Geographic production, is based on the famous Nat Geo Kids book Zeus the Mighty. It delves into ancient Greek myths and characters.

Greeking Out

What it Teaches: Beyond history, mythology, and storytelling, Greeking Out offers a deep dive into ancient Greek myths and characters, fostering an appreciation for classical tales and culture.

For Whom: Suitable for history and mythology enthusiasts.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s a great resource for history and mythology enthusiasts, encouraging them to explore the rich world of ancient Greek mythology.

Best for: History and mythology lovers who have a fascination for the classical world.

27. Purple Rocket Podcast

Purple Rocket features twins Sawyer and Suzie, who explore the world with magic, fun, and learning in this award-winning podcast.

Purple Rocket

What it Teaches: In addition to imagination, adventure, and creativity, Purple Rocket takes children on magical journeys that stimulate their curiosity, inspire creativity, and encourage learning through fun and play.

For Whom: Ideal for elementary-aged children.

For What It Can Be Used: It is an excellent choice for families with elementary-aged children who seek to ignite their curiosity and creativity, fostering a love for adventure and storytelling.

Best for: Families who value imaginative adventures and joyful storytelling.

28. Book Club for Kids

In each episode, real middle school students team up to talk about their favorite books. Episodes also include interviews with authors and celebrity readings.

Book Club for Kids

What it Teaches: Beyond literature, book discussions, and storytelling, Book Club for Kids promotes a love for reading and literature by engaging young readers in thoughtful conversations about their favorite books.

For Whom: Suitable for young readers.

For What It Can Be Used: It is a perfect tool for families who want to instill a lifelong love of reading and encourage their children to explore and discuss literature.

Best for: Families who enjoy discussing books and nurturing a passion for reading.

29. Flyest Fables

Flyest Fables is for tweens who are into hip-hop. It follows Antoine, a boy who is bullied and finds a magical book that transports him to another world.

Flyest Fables

What it Teaches: In addition to imagination, storytelling, and character growth, Flyest Fables encourages tweens to explore their creative side and discuss emotions, personal growth, and the power of storytelling.

For Whom: Ideal for middle schoolers.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s an ideal choice for middle schoolers who want to cultivate their creative side and engage in meaningful conversations about personal development and storytelling.

Best for: Tweens with a love for storytelling and an affinity for hip-hop culture.

30. StarTalk Radio

Famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about all things space, including stars, planets, humans in space, and interviews with amazing people.

StarTalk Radio

What it Teaches: Beyond space exploration, science, and interviews, StarTalk Radio offers a unique perspective on the cosmos, showcasing the beauty and wonder of the universe while fostering a love for space and science.

For Whom: Suitable for budding astronomers.

For What It Can Be Used: It’s a perfect resource for families who want to explore the wonders of space and inspire future astronomers and scientists.

Best for: Families who share a passion for the mysteries of the cosmos and the excitement of scientific discovery.

31. The Allusionist

The Allusionist explores the oddities of the English language, offering good humor and levity while explaining the roots of words and phrases we use daily.

The Allusionist

What it Teaches: In addition to language, etymology, and wordplay, The Allusionist provides a fun and engaging way to explore the quirks and intricacies of the English language.

For Whom: Ideal for budding linguists.

For What It Can Be Used: It is an excellent choice for budding linguists and language enthusiasts who want to delve into the fascinating world of words, idioms, and language evolution.

Best for: Families who appreciate the beauty and complexity of language and enjoy playful word exploration.

32. Stuff You Missed in History Class

Stuff You Missed in History Class speaks for itself, delving into people and events often overlooked in traditional history classes.

Stuff You Missed in History Class

What it Teaches: Beyond history, culture, and overlooked stories, this podcast unveils hidden gems from the past, encouraging listeners to explore the lesser-known aspects of history and culture.

For Whom: Suitable for history enthusiasts.

For What It Can Be Used: It is an ideal resource for history enthusiasts who want to dive deep into historical anecdotes and learn about the fascinating, untold stories of the past.

Best for: Families who love history and enjoy discovering the untold tales of the past.

These educational podcasts are just a selection of the rich and diverse offerings available to enrich your child’s learning journey. No matter their interests or learning style, there’s a podcast that can ignite their curiosity and passion for knowledge.

How to Incorporate Podcasts into Your Child’s Routine

Now that you have this treasure trove of educational podcasts at your disposal, it’s important to integrate them into your child’s daily routine. These podcasts can be enjoyed during car rides, while doing chores, before bedtime, or even during family bonding time. The key is to make learning a part of their everyday life, making it fun, interactive, and engaging.

How to Incorporate Podcasts into Your Child's Routine
Encourage your child to choose podcasts aligned with their interests and educational goals, helping them stay engaged and learn through this audio medium

In the video presented below, you’ll discover engaging conversations centered around the world of podcasts tailored for children. The speakers delve into the positive influence of podcasts on young minds, explore a variety of podcast genres suitable for kids, and share insights on strategies for enhancing children’s enthusiasm for this exciting medium.

Useful Resources


Educational podcasts for kids are a powerful tool to enhance your child’s learning experience. They cater to various interests, ages, and learning styles, ensuring that there’s something for every young learner. By incorporating these podcasts into your child’s daily routine, you can turn their downtime into an opportunity for fun and educational exploration.

Simona Johnes

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